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(in collaboration with O.C. Vogalonga 2016)
Registrations to the Festival remains open until the beginning of the event. For info and news +39.334.9566321, www.venicecanoe.com, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. , www.venicedragonboat.com, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Le iscrizioni del Festival rimarranno aperte fino all’inizio della manifestazione. Per informazioni e news +39.334.9566321, www.venicedragonboat.com, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. , www.venicecanoe.com ; This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Venice, 6th May, 2016 - The countdown to the "Venice International Dragon Boat Festival" has already started. The third edition of the event will take place on Friday the 13th and Saturday the 14th of May and it will act as a preview to 42nd Vogalonga of Sunday the 15th. The festival gathers in Venice crews from all over the world, ready to parade in the Grand Canal and to compete over the distance of the 200 meters to the beat of the drum, on board of the 20-man dragons and the 10-man minidragons. A big change in locations awaits the participants and the spectators, as the "Venice International Dragon Boat Festival" for the first time "moves" from Lido to Tronchetto, in the waters between Isola Nuova and Ponte della Libertà.
The Festival - sponsored by the City of Venice and the Veneto Region - is organised by the Venice Canoe & Dragon Boat association who, since 2009 has had the ambition to create a "maxi" canoe and dragon boat event in Venice, combining sport and culture. After the pilot edition of 2012, the second event, held at the Lido island in 2014, continued expanding and involved many international crews.
The third edition is now just around the corner and it will host the following crews: Dubai Sea Dragons (UAE), Golden Dragons Portland (Oregon-United States), Vikings Dublin (Ireland), Avago Aussies (Sydney-Australia), DownUnder Dragons (Australia), Wave Walkers (London-England), Pink Champagne Dragons (Dorset-England), Droles de Rames (Annecy-France), Remiera Toscolano Maderno(Brescia-Italy), Canoa Club Bobbio (Piacenza-Italy), Trifoglio Rosa Mestre (Italy).
Venice Canoe & Dragon Boat will host the following crews also on the occasion of the 42nd Vogalonga: Dubai Sea Dragons (team 2, the United Arab Emirates), Club Reims (France), Droles de Rames (2nd team, Annecy-France), Stadoces Tarbais (Tarbes, France), Typhoon Dragons (London-England), Dragonauti (Cagliari-Italy), Dragon Boat Worcester (England).
Program of the 3rd Venice International Dragon Boat Festival:
Auronzo di Cadore, 30 giugno 2013 – La Canottieri Ticino Pavia si laurea campione d’Italia 2013, categoria 500 metri Open, ai Campionati Italiani Assoluti di Dragon Boat. Continuano a dettare legge i pavesi, che ieri avevano già conquistato i titoli 200 metri Open e Misto. Nell’albo d’oro dei Campionati Italiani, Ticino Pavia succede nella distanza alla Canottieri Padova.
Condizioni d’acqua perfette, una leggera brezza soffia sul lago di Santa Caterina e gli equipaggi sembrano volare. A metà percorso nessuno molla, barche racchiuse in una pagaiata ma ai 200 metri dal traguardo Ticino Pavia conquista un leggero vantaggio. Sprint finale ai 50 metri che vede risalire Albalonga, ma i pavesi non cedono e tagliano il traguardo in 1’59”5 contro il 2’00”1 dei laziali. Terza la Canottieri Padova in 2’01”09, a chiudere Punta Sorresca Sabaudia (2’01”7).
Nella finale B, in acqua alle 11.30, vittoria per l’Idroscalo Milano che ha tagliato il traguardo in 2’07”54 davanti a La Darsena Bardolino (2’07”79).
Classifica finale Campionati Italiani Dragon Boat Open 500 metri:
1. Canottieri Ticino Pavia
2. Canottieri Albalonga
3. Canottieri Padova
4. Punta Sorresca Sabaudia
5. Idroscalo Milano
6. La Darsena Bardolino
Venezia, 29 dicembre 2014 – In poco più di un mese 13 club e tre Nazioni hanno già formalizzato la loro iscrizione ai Campionati Europei 2015 di dragon boat (www.auronzo2015.eu) in programma dal 2 al 5 luglio in Italia, sull’acqua piatta del lago di Santa Caterina ad Auronzo di Cadore (Belluno). Un’ottima partenza, sicuramente tutt’altro che inattesa, per una kermesse davvero di primissimo livello e la cui organizzazione prosegue spedita con la sinergia tra la Venice Sport Events dell’associazione veneziana Venice Canoe & Dragon Boat con il Comune di Auronzo e il Consorzio Turistico Auronzo-Misurina.
Nel dettaglio tra i club hanno già confermato la loro presenza le società venete Venice Canoe e Dragon Boat, La Darsena Bardolino e Canottieri Padova, le laziali Canottieri Comunali Albalonga, Punta Sorresca Sabaudia e Aisa Sport Castel Gandolfo, le lombardeCanottieri Ticino Pavia e Remiera Toscolano Maderno, le toscane S.C. Firenze sezione Canoa e Florence Dragon Lady Lilt(quest’ultima nella categoria Donne in rosa cui si aggiungerà a breve anche un equipaggio francese), oltre agli ungheresi del Vaskakas, gli svedesi dell’Eaglemountain Dragons e gli svizzeri del Swissdragons. Per quanto riguarda le Nazionali sicura la presenza di Italia, Svezia e Svizzerain attesa dell’annunciata partecipazione di Ungheria e Spagna.
Per quanto riguarda l’Italia dal settore Junior arrivano buone notizie grazie alle ottime prove individuali registrate nei test di valutazione dello scorso mese di novembre (news su www.federcanoa.it/dragonboat). I giovani atleti di punta saranno supportati dai pagaiatori provenienti dai Progetti scolastici, in particolare quelli realizzati nell’area lombarda e veneta. Indiscrezioni locali danno per certa anche la partecipazione di un equipaggio junior allestito dal Liceo Linguistico di Auronzo di Cadore.
«Una partenza positiva, prevediamo un numero crescente di registrazioni nel mese di febbraio mentre il picco delle iscrizioni dovrebbe arrivare tra la fine dell’inverno e l’inizio della primavera – anticipa Andrea Bedin, presidente del Comitato Organizzatore –. Da mesi stiamo lavorando molto sull’immagine dell’evento: durante le gare gli atleti e gli equipaggi saranno costantemente sotto i riflettori delle telecamere e dei fotografi, in modo da poter sfruttare al massimo la comunicazione attraverso il web con il sito ufficiale e i social network Facebook e Twitter, oltre ai canali di diffusione tradizionali quali televisione e carta stampata».
Per tutte le news di avvicinamento agli Europei 2015 basta collegarsi al sito www.auronzo2015.eu anche per iscriversi gratuitamente alla ricezione della newsletter che già oggi raggiunge oltre 700 contatti, mentre alcuni post della pagina Facebook hanno raggiunto addirittura 2.500 persone. Il sito ufficiale è visitato regolarmente in inglese, in italiano e l’internazionalità del Bulletin n.1, pubblicato (per ora) anche in lingua tedesca, russa e polacca sta riscontrando un notevole apprezzamento da parte dei club.
_ english version _
Venice, 30 December 2014 – In just a little over a month, 13 clubs and 3 Nations have formalised their registrations to the 2015 European Dragon Boat Championships (www.auronzo2015.eu) programmed from 2-5 July in Italy on the flat waters of Lake Santa Caterina in Auronzo di Cadore (Belluno). A great start, not unexpected, for a top level event in which the organisation continues strongly with the synergy between Venice Sport Events of the Venice Canoe & Dragon Boat club together with the Auronzo City Council and the Auronzo-Misurina Tourist Board.
In detail, the clubs that have confirmed their participation: Venice Canoe & Dragon Boat, La Darsena Bardolino and Canottieri Padovafrom the Veneto, Canottieri Comunali Albalonga, Punta Sorresca Sabaudia and Aisa Sport Castel Gandolfo from Lazio, Canottieri Ticino Pavia and Remiera Toscolano Maderno from Lombardia, S.C. Firenze sec. Canoe and Florence Dragon Lady (a BCS crew who will shortly be joined by a French team) from Tuscany, as well as Vaskakas from Hungary, Eaglemountain Dragons from Sweden and theSwissdragons from Switzerland. With regards to the National teams, Italy, Sweden and Switzerland have confirmed their presence, withHungary and Spain also indicating participation.
As for the Italian team, good news comes from the Junior sector thanks to the excellent individual tests recorded during the trials last November (news at www.federcanoa.it/dragonboat). These top, young athletes are supported by paddlers who entered dragonboating through school projects, in particular from the Lombardia and Veneto regions. Unconfirmed reports indicate also participation of a Junior team from the Linguistico High School of Auronzo di Cadore.
«A positive start, we expect an increasing number of registrations during the month of February while the peak of the registrations should come between then end of winter and the beginning of spring – anticipates Andrea Bedin, president of the Organising Committee. For months we have been working on the image of the event: during the races the athletes and the crews will be constantly in the spotlight of the cameras and photographers, so that the most can be made of communication through the internet with the official website and the social network pages on Facebook and Twitter, as well as the traditional distribution channels such as television and print media».
For all the news of the upcoming 2015 European Championships just click on www.auronzo2015.eu also to subscribe for free and receive the newsletter which today already reaches more than 700 contacts, while some posts on Facebook have reached 2500 people. The official website is in both English and Italian. The information Bulletin nr 1 been published (so far) in German, Russian and Polish and has received a great response from the clubs.
"Teams work better - when they work together"
Alice Vernon
Dragon boating is by nature a social sport requiring large numbers of people to work together – both on and off the water.
It develops strength, courage and endurance as well as commitment and friendship.
It is a large boat that unites many people through the sharing of a unique experience that is also fun and enjoyable.
Just like in the workplace, success in this sport needs a winning team, who knows how to work together.
Providing the challenge and excitement of high-level sport while at the same time accommodating all levels of abilities, the dragon boat is a great team-building tool.
Whether your objective is team-building, an inter-company challenge or simply a leisurely excursion, “Venice” will create a solution that can best meet your company ambitions.
You pick the location! In the canals of Venice or in the Venetian lagoon, on lake Garda or on a beach in Tuscany, in a mountain lake or at any of the fantastic flat-water locations throughout Italy.
For more information on what we can propose for you, contact:
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or @teambuildingdragonboat
Team Building and Dragon Boats
Dragon Boating is a sporting discipline that is popular throughout the world. It is fast, exciting, spectacular and loud. It is a sport where participants race in long Chinese-style canoes that are adorned with the head and tail of a dragon. These boats are driven by 20 paddlers who paddle in unison and to the rhythm of a drum, while the helmsman keeps the boat on course.
This sporting discipline originated in China over 2000 years ago when, as legend goes, the popular poet and statesman Qu Yuan threw himself into the river Mi-Lo in a desperate act of protest against the oppression of his people by the government of the time. When the local fishermen found out what had happened, they launched themselves in their great boats in a desperate search for the body of Qu Yuan, racing against each other and beating the water with their paddles in great, forceful strokes to frighten away the fish.
These races not only symbolize the people's attempt to save Qu Yuan, they also demonstrate the Chinese virtues of cooperation and teamwork - where style and rhythm are more important than raw power.
In 1976, the Hong Kong Tourist Association launched this tradition as a sporting discipline throughout the world.
The Spirit of the Dragon Boat
“All together to the beat of the drum” is the idea that probably best represents the spirit of this discipline which combines amateur enthusiasm together with professional competition, and largely contributes to its growing popularity as a team sport. In the last decade, thanks to initiatives taken by companies such as Ericsson, the dragon boat is used, more and more often, as an effective team-building tool to achieve greater collaboration and professional efficiency amongst company managers and employees.
In Venice and throughout Italy, the Dragon Boat is practised both on competitive and amateur levels. Combined with the natural beauty of breathtaking water environments (lagoons, lakes, beaches etc) of the Italian peninsula and the predisposition of this boat that readily lends itself to incoming and incentives, the Dragon Boat has become an increasingly popular activity for team-building events. More and more often, guests of meetings and congresses strengthen their relationships experiencing together excursions or preparing and confronting each other in ‘ad hoc’ races between two or more boats.
Students, managers, athletes, tourists and whoever has had the opportunity to try the dragon boat, has remained highly enthusiastic by the uniting force of this sport.
“All together in the same boat!”