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Pubblicato il Bulletin 1 della 9^ edizione del Venice Dragon Boat Festival (27.05.2023) e dei servizi per la 48^ edizione della Vogalonga (28.05.2023)
scarica qui https://bit.ly/3z5QVNB
Published the Bulletin 1 of the 9th edition of Venice International Dragon Boat Festival (27.05.2023) and the services of the 48th edition of Vogalonga (28.05.2023)
download here https://bit.ly/3DseOS5
2_Bulletin-Bando Venice Intle Dragon Boat Festival e Vogalonga 2023_ENGLISH | [2_Bulletin-Bando Venice Intle Dragon Boat Festival e Vogalonga 2023_ENGLISH] | 350 Kb |
poster - Festival e Vogalonga 2023 | [poster - Festival e Vogalonga 2023] | 6250 Kb |